Monday, November 17, 2008

Surrending to God's Will

A woman said this about surrendering to God: " it's wonderful and it feels so good to surrender to the Lord, but I also have to 'keep it real. Being thirty-years old and unmarried and wanting and needing things, I just have to be real." And I thought, hmmm. Yes, we do want and need so many things. Sure - that's true. But how many of us with those desires clenched in our hands and in our hearts are willing to surrender even those? Is it asking too much for us to open our hands - releasing - almost dropping - every deeply personal need and desire unto Him? Him who cares for us with a love that surpasses our very ability to comprehend or understand? When we look at Abraham what kind of faith do we see? A believer, just like you and I, who was asked to sacrifice his very own son. A man, who wholeheartedly believed God and without hesitation, was ready and willing to surrender the very son that God had promised him He would establish his convenant through (Gen 17:19-21). Even when we have hopes, and dreams, and things we want - we must surrender ALL and, "Trust in Him with ALL {your} our hearts and lean not unto {your} our own understanding.(Proverbs 3:5)" Just as Abraham did. Abraham did not question God's demand of him - even when it seemed beyond all comprehension. And the question I have to ask you, is did God abandon Abraham? Did He let him down? Did he not come - speedily - to save and give back all that was dear to Abraham?
I desire to be where Abraham was - in my heart. In a place where I can let go of all that might seem good, and right, and fair, and what belongs to me or what I might think I deserve. Everything that means anything to me.
Will you trust Him today?
The beauty, love, and faithfulness of God is that He truly, truly loves us. He loves me, He loves you and He knows our human hearts better than we ever could. I believe that once you enter into that special place - that place of complete surrender, God is waiting to take those small dreams and desires you've been clenching onto and magnify them only to bless you with more than you could ever have imagined and in doing so, we give Him the glory.
The only thing He ever wants us to "clench" onto is the salvation of His son Jesus Christ, and His Word. All else is secondary. ALL ELSE IS SECONDARY. He says that we are to, "Seek (ye) FIRST the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto us. Not seeking on Sunday, or only at the time we really feel we need Him, but always. Always praying, always expanding His Kingdom, seeking His face, doing things to bring Him honor and glory. When we do this, I believe we become submitted, we surrender and in doing so, allow the light and love of Jesus Christ to shine through our hearts, our actions, and our voices to be a constant and continuous witness for Him and the love He's given us - the only love that will save the souls of mankind. Thus, we cannot say, "I love God but..." or I surrender, but.." There are no buts with God. No middle ground, no shades of gray... He deals in absolutes; we must learn to when it comes to Him.
There's a verse in a song that I found that touched me and really captured the essence of surrender by Chris Sligh, called, "Empty Me."
Empty me of the selfishness inside
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride
And any foolish thing my heart holds to
Lord empty me of me so I can be, filled with you.
Cause everything is a lesser thing,
compared to you, compared to you.
Cause everything is a lesser thing,
compared to you. So I surrender all...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Search our hearts, oh Lord. Reveal strongholds and anything that we may unknowingly esteem higher than You. Help us to surrender ALL unto You, and to recognize that every desire, every need, that "everything is a lesser thing, compared to You." Thank You for your love that is as vast as the sky and limitless beyond measure. May the body of Christ find it's peace and strength in You; in Christ's name we pray, Amen.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Making Wise Decisions: Even When They May Cost You Everything

Just a few days ago, I realized it was the final day for me to sign up for health benefits on my new job. So I called [human resources office] to let them know I was going to do so. While I was speaking to the benefits coordinator, she told me that would be fine, but because I had waited so late in the month, a double charge (for my benefits) would be deducted from my next paycheck, and that I needed to drive there - that very day ( almost an hour away from me) to take care of everything.
I’m a teaching assistant; my pay is less than humble – but I enjoy the work. My benefits for my son and I, will cost me almost a third of my paycheck per month. So, you can imagine that when I heard that "double-charge" comment, I became very, very distressed.

I mentally refused, debated, maneuvered, then contemplated - trying to find a way out of what seemed to be a nightmare. With so much money at stake, I began to fret about how - if I paid it - I could take care of all my responsibilities (food, rent, etc) for my small family of two. Thoughts of impossibilities loomed and I couldn't fathom how I could make it work. I seriously considered  just skipping out on the insurance - my rationale being: I simply can't afford it. For me, that would have been fine; but what about my son? What about the asthma attacks, the eczema, the fact that  he was a young boy child and could injure himself at any time?
Somewhere my faith was being slowly drowned out by my anxiety; and my blessing - my son  - lay there ( next to me in the car)  sleeping in silence, and the safety that he trusted I would provide him, and I knew exactly what I had to do. My decision became as clear as the tears trickled down my face; and I knew that for him I would pay any cost, on any given day. Things might be tight, but I decided to trust and believe that God would provide. How I had ever questioned it is now beyond me. We must always do our very best to make decisions based on love and not fear. But even as I made the decision, fear rose up and filled my heart. I still had no idea how anything would work out; this became apure act of faith. Complete faith in God's - and not my own - ability to provide. Jehovah Jireh - God our provider. I sobbed and cried to the Lord in my heart:
I said to Him: "I’m so tired of this. I make nothing already; I don't know what to do." And the Holy Spirit said simply, "Be wise."

"But," I continued, "how? How Lord?” and He responded in my heart with a passage I had recently read:

Gen 15:1 - Fear not, [Abram]: I am thy shield, thy exceeding great reward. I will supply your needs (Philippians 4:19); and then, “I will take care of you.”
He is our exceeding great reward. His voice floated clearly through my ears; settling my spirit immediately. And just as quickly as the fear had risen, and the tears had fallen, the love and peace of God’s word washed them all away. And at once, there was an indescribable calm in my heart.

Praise to the King of Glory...

Later that evening after I had finished, I took my son to a fall festival at our church. As we were parking – a friend of mine that I’d confided in about this responded to the situation with, “Oh, I’ll pay that for you – no problem!” Huh? She spoke it as if I had been talking about 25 cents - and it was several hundred dollars! I was stunned beyond belief.  Needless to say, I was greatly humbled by God's swift movement on the hearts of men and how he had once again shown me the very depth of His love.

The immeasurable love of Jesus Christ is exceedingly able to, ‘make all grace abound toward you’ (2 Corinthians 2:8). I believe this means that He will make ALL ‘things come together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose’ (Romans 8:28) - that He will make all things work in our favor.
Our God is an awesome God and his love is unfailing!!!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to make wise decisions, even when it seems that they may cost us everything. Help us to trust Your Word and Lord, plant it deep within our hearts. Shed Your loving grace upon us, and continuously prepare our hearts and minds to follow the lead of Your precious Holy Spirit. Anoint our ears that we may hear, listen and know Your voice. How we love you and long for Your Holy presence, Lord God and it is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we ask and pray, Amen.

Peace and love to you and yours,
Here our a few beautifully written songs (all on youtube) about God's ever-encompassing love and power to lift your spirits:
"Mighty To Save"- Laura Story
"I AM" - Nicole Nordeman
"Light of the World" - Watermark
"Empty Me" - Jeremy Camp

Sunday, October 05, 2008


     Do you know people in your life that you care for deeply that may not be on the right track with God? Someone who may not know God? Maybe you know someone who was once fervent and passionate for Jesus Christ, but somewhere down the road lost or waned in faith?

     I love people and I often pray for those I love; and there are some that I know, which have lost their way. If you know anyone like this, let's pray for them; let's intercede on their behalf because I believe in the deep love and in the deep mercies and grace of the Almighty God.
Below is a commentary (from God's Daily Promises website) about praying for others; interceding on someone else's behalf.


Does God hear our prayers for mercy on behalf of others?
Abraham approached him and said, "Will you destroy both innocent and guilty alike? Suppose you find fifty innocent people there within the city—will you still destroy it, and not spare it for their sakes? Surely you wouldn't do such a thing, destroying the innocent with the guilty. Why, you would be treating the innocent and the guilty exactly the same! Surely you wouldn't do that! Should not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?" [The Lord responds that he will not destroy the city. Abraham persists, reducing the number to 45, then 40, 30, 20 and finally ten]. And the Lord said, "Then, for the sake of the ten, I will not destroy it."
Genesis 18:23-31 NLT

Abraham's Prayer for Mercy

In the days before their fiery judgment, the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah probably had no idea that their neighbor Abraham was agonizing with God over their fate. Abraham saw the need for justice, but he also begged God to show them his mercy. He asked God to spare the city for just a handful of righteous people, and God agreed. In addition, God sent his angels to protect Lo t's innocent family and get them out of harm's way. But as Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction illustrates, there's a limit to his mercy, for the God of justice will not let sin go unpunished forever. Just as he listened to righteous Abraham long ago, God will listen to your cries for justice and your pleas for mercy. In the end, God will do what is right.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16)